1. All products in this shop enjoy a 1-year warranty. If the product has quality problems within 1 year after you receive the product, you can send it to us for product repair!

2. Product repair route: You need to send the product back to China, and we will return it to the factory for repair processing. Products of various brands will be returned to the official for after-sales service!

3. Product repair time: The product repair time depends on the product's problems, and generally does not exceed 15 days.

4. If the product needs repair, please contact us and I will send you the repair address!

5. Not Covered Under Warranty:

  • Products without sufficient proof of purchase
  • Lost or stolen products
  • Items that have expired their warranty period
  • Non-quality-related issues
  • Free products
  • Repairs through 3rd parties
  • Damage from outside sources
  • Damage from misuse of products (including, but not limited to: falls, extreme temperatures, water, operating devices improperly)
6. If you have any questions, please contact us at sales_manager@kingbolen.com.